After my visit

Discharge care 

A nurse will discuss any specific care arrangements with you on discharge from Eastern Heart Clinic. Your doctor will also discuss with you any follow up appointments and care arrangements prior to discharge. If you require any further treatment, this will be discussed with you at your discharge to action after your visit.

Treatment report 

If the doctor who performed your procedure is not the doctor who referred you, then a full report of findings and recommendations will be forwarded to your doctor a few days after your procedure.

When to resume driving

You will be advised on discharge when you can resume driving. Please ensure you confirm this with staff prior to discharge.

The general guideline is no driving for 24 hours after most procedures. However some procedures require no driving for up to two weeks (e.g. pacemakers insertion). Please check with your doctor prior to discharge.

When to resume flying

You will be advised on discharge when you are cleared to fly. Patients are generally advised not to fly on the day of their procedure, but please speak to staff about instructions related to your specific procedure

Please be aware that some airlines may place restrictions on patients flying after certain procedures, such as angioplasty and stent insertion. Please discuss your particular situation with staff prior to, or on the day of your procedure so forward bookings can be made, as needed.

Cardiac rehabilitation

If you need to participate in a cardiac rehabilitation program – we will let you know before you are discharged. These services are available through the Healthy Heart program, which can be contacted on tel: 02 9382 2286.

Questions or concerns

Please contact the friendly team at Eastern Heart Clinic if you have any questions or concerns following your procedure.

Open hours & emergency contact

Eastern Heart Clinic is open Monday to Friday during normal business hours.  We can be contacted on tel: 02 9382 0700.

If you have an urgent need outside of business hours, then follow the after-hours instructions from your doctor’s rooms, contact an after-hours GP service or present to an emergency department. In the event of an emergency, please call 000.

Learn more

You can also download a PDF version of the Eastern Heart Clinic Patient Information Guide here.

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